Friday, November 16, 2012

How much privacy do TEENS need!

I have four wonderfully challenging kids.....
My boys are already out in the world developing their own paths and living the dream! My girls however are still in the nest, only 16 and 17 we have many battles.
Our  biggest battle is over their privacy especially in the social online media!
They both feel they need a place to post their thoughts and views, which I fully agree BUT.......
I do not feel they should block me or hide it from me. HELLO I watch Nancy Grace ha!
I believe it is my business to know what is going on with my kids. Lets face it no matter the relationship you feel you have with your kids they will go to friends and strangers for advice before they come to you as a parent. We are apparently the "enemy". Even though we are their number 1 fan and supporter we know nothing about life.
I will not allow my kids to block or hide their social media postings or sites from me. Oh and they try believe me! At their ages I do not manage what they post, I have explained what you put on those sites is a reflection of them and of their family and it is ultimately their right and decision on what they post. I will however question and give my opinion on what I deem as unfavorable postings. I feel it is my responsibility as a parent to protect and guide my children at the same time they need to learn how to express themselves. It truly is a fine line and as a parent you hold the pen and can decide where to draw it!
When my girls block me or hide new sites they are on I will not allow it. They are told either to unblock me or add me or I will delete the site! Is this wrong? Sorry I do not care what your opinion is! I will do this until they are 18 and even then I will still be a creeper ha!

I love and do trust my kids but I need to know what is on their mind, who they are talking to, what they are doing when they are outta my sight. I am growing as a parent but it takes time for me to let go. I do not feel 16 & 17 years of life is the right time to let go.

So my girls start a count down make a paper chain or mark the days down on a calendar because you have awhile til I let you go. Sorry do not want to hear about other kids parents, you know what I will say to that......"Well their parents don't love them as much as I love you!"
True Story......... There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.

 The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent.


I have so many thoughts running around in my head bumping into each other I do not know what to do with them..

Sometimes it can be scary!

You must let the thoughts out one way or another. I found that if I jut speak my mind I tend to scare people or hurt their feelings. If I hold my thoughts in I become a very hateful, depressed person. I do not like being sad.

So here I go thoughts of the day, minute, week or month which ever I decide! 

Remember this is my opinion and feelings if you do not agree create your own blog!